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Bytes Editor
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Fast. Lightweight. Customisable.
v0.3.2 | Changelog
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Snappy. Everything feels smooth and instantaneous. Zero-delay startup.
Fully native. Everything runs directly on hardware. No web. No Python.
GPU-rendered. Bytes leverages the GPU to effortlessly render everything. This leaves more room for the CPU to do work.
Say goodbye to regex soup. Customise everything using a single language.
Clutter-free. 1MB download size, fully portable.
Made with quality and performance in mind. Bytes is built almost entirely from scratch. This allows very precise control over all aspects of the software to ensure maximum quality.
Windows 10+
Roadmap to 1.0.0
In no particular order: - Make a MacOS port - Fix bugs - Enhance the documentation - Support more VT100 sequences - Speed-up some parts of the editor - Lower memory consumption - Output higher quality machine code - Make a hexadecimal editor?
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Bytes screenshot.
Bytes logo.
Bytes Editor
Fast. Lightweight. Customisable.
v0.3.2 | Changelog
Download Beta
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Fully native.
Say goodbye to regex soup.
Made with quality and performance in mind.
Windows 10+